Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Know What I Want, Do You?

I’m 29 years old and just within the past year have I truly found myself and know exactly what I want out of life. It took a lot of searching, but I finally figured it all out. One thing that helped me was (yes you guessed it) to make a list.

I started off by asking myself…What do I value? If something is important to me, like my family, my dog Gucci, my house, my car, etc., then those are things I value and I need to take of them or spend more time with them. The next question I asked was…What are some things I need to change in my life? Whether it be a boyfriend or just the way you approach certain situations in life. Everyone has something in there life that could change for the better!

My next step was to discover what it was I truly wanted out of life. What are my goals? I started with goals for the present, then onto 5 years, and then 10 years. What are things I want to accomplish in my life?

I’ve kept a copy of this list on my computer at the office so whenever I get frustrated or feel stuck or lost I just look at my list of what it is I want out of life and evaluate what I am going through to see how it compares and if there is something I need to change or redirect my focus. 

I hope this proves to be as helpful to you as it was for me!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Becoming Organized

It seems like every year life becomes more chaotic and hectic. You are constantly being pulled in different directions. Family, friends, seems to never end. So how can you become organized to know what is coming next?

Keeping a list of the things you need to accomplish can help tremendously! Making a list of what you need to do for the day and even for the week will keep your life organized and help you to relax, knowing exactly what is coming next. It only takes a few minutes, but instead of running around like a chicken with your head cut off you are organized. And when someone asks you if you can do something at 5:00 on Tuesday you will know without a doubt whether you can squeeze that in or not. 

Monday, June 1, 2009

Life Planning

I am starting this blog in an effort to help people organize their lives, as well as, share advise from my personal experiences. I also want to give you ideas to help you plan for different activities on weekends or other times your just looking for something fun to do.

For this first blog I'm going to share with you about what I did over the past weekend to perhaps give you an idea of somewhere you could go if you are living in the Chattanooga, TN area.

This past weekend I went to the restaurant Genghi's Grill in Downtown Chattanooga. It is a Mongolian Grill. It was so yummy! When you go into the restaurant they give you an empty bowl. You then go through a line and pick out your protein, seasonings, veggies, sauce, and then either a form of rice or noodles.

I picked chicken and shrimp with salt and pepper. I added carrots, broccoli, bell pepper, pineapples, and watercress with an island teriyaki sauce. I then got the Udon noodles to go with it. It was very good. I would highly recommend this restaurant to anyone. It would be great for girlfriends, couples, or even families. Go try it out this weekend! You can check out their website at and maybe they have one in your area too!